
We Love Our Volunteers!

It takes a community to produce community events. As a non-profit organization, we are always looking for community volunteers to assist us in producing concerts and keeping the concert season running smoothly.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors oversees all activities of the symphony.  Any community member can be a  board member, and bring a broader perspective to the creative and financial goals of the symphony.  f you have experience in marketing, fundraising, bookkeeping, organizational development, or graphic arts, consider becoming a board member, or just helping with an action team. Board meetings are held approximately every other month, Sunday afternoons at 5PM.

Concert Volunteers

Help our musicians do what they do best – perform concerts! It takes lots of effort to produce each concert, and our musicians need help from the community. You can assist us by distributing flyers, reaching out to the community, selling tickets, hosting the refreshments table, and cleaning up after the concerts.

Volunteer Musicians

We are always looking for string players. Openings for other chairs occur periodically.  Do you want to play, and want to learn how you fit in?  Depending on the instrument, you can sit in/sub at a rehearsal, or audition the next time we have an opening. Please contact our Personnel Manager, Glenn Widener, for details: personnel [at] tvsymphony [dot] org, or call (503) 351-1178.

Our season rehearsal and concert schedule

Volunteer in any way you can.

Your help is always appreciated! Contact us for more information.